Is God Evil?
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A common way to attack God and the Bible is to claim the God of the Old Testament was wicked and and evil, and the God of the New Testament was a God of love. Two different gods who are inconsistent. Hosea 13:16 is often used to show God commands the killing of babies.
But it's the same God in both the Old and New Testaments and God does not change. What was happening is that Hosea 13:16 shows what happens when people reject God, and He withdraws, giving them what they wanted. Here is what Hosea 13:16 says:
"Samaria will be held guilty,
For she has rebelled against her God.
They will fall by the sword,
Their little ones will be dashed in pieces,
And their pregnant women will be ripped open." - Hosea 13:16
There is no command. In Hosea God is describing what will happen when Assyria invades. To know what God is doing you need to understand God's wrath. His wrath is not like Zeus sitting in the sky and throwing thunderbolts at people who do not please him. What is called God's wrath is God withdrawing from those who are under His wrath. As He withdraws what will happen, naturally starts to happen... and it's not good. Why? Here is what Colossian 1:16-17 says about Jesus (God):
For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
When God stops holding things together, what happens? Things come apart. Morals. Culture. As well as physical things. In the case of Hosea 13:16, without God's protection the Assyrias will invade and very bad things will happen, such as babies being killed by the Assyrians (they were vicious). What is important to understand is that we live in a totally corrupt world. It does not appear to us to be corrupt because God is restraining evil and holding everything together. Everything that is good comes from God. EVERYTHING. When God stops restraining evil, things start getting bad (and irrational), just as we are seeing happening in our world today. That is God's wrath. God's wrath is His leaving us on our own, and that means we have nothing good.
Fortunately God does not immediately and fully separate from us. We have turned away from God and are under His wrath today. But, it's not His full wrath. He is still providing many good things. But the day will come when He His patience with us ends. It is called judgment day. He will separate those who want to be with Him (Christians who believe, repent and trust Jesus alone), from those who reject Him. (Is that you>).
By the way, Jesus is the God of the Old Testament and the New Testament... when in the New Testament Jesus gives the greatest commandment:
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets (meaning the whole Old Testament)
...Jesus is quoting the Old Testament! It says: -- You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. - Deuteronomy 6:5. And Leviticus 19:18 says - "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Nothing has changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
Cruelty In The Bible? Hosea 13:16 (Science Pastor)
Dashing Babies Against The Rocks (Psalm 137:9) ( Article)
What you believe does not determine reality nor truth. That would make you god. But you ARE NOT god. You don't control the universe. You cannot change reality. Let's try an experiment. At about midnight stand in the middle of the road just around a corner where it is hard to be seen... at night, wearing all black. When headlights start lighting up the curve, just believe that whatever is coming does not exist. Stand firm, if you don't believe a vehicle is coming, then nothing is coming. You are perfectly safe... until reality hits.
You are now standing before Jesus. You are dead. It's judgment day. You don't want to believe it's Jesus and you will be judged. But it is. That's reality.
Judgment only takes a moment, the verdict is obvious, and you know it is correct. You are guilty. You've lied, stolen and sexually lusted after others (Matthew 5:28)... you have disobeyed God. Trusting Jesus is the only answer, but it's too late. You had your last chance just before you died.
You know it's no use to protest, but still you scream out, 'I didn't know!'
But you did know. All of creation declared God's glory, His invisible attributes, and His power. You have no excuse. You willingly rejected Jesus Christ (God).
Is this you? Are you saying, 'Hell isn't so bad, I'll be with my friends.' You know that's not true. There are no friends in hell. No beer... not even water to cool your lips. There is NOTHING good in hell.
So I beg you, consider these words. Trust Jesus as having paid your penalty for every way you've have rejected God. Trust Jeus to save you from hell and bring you into the presense of God.
Trust Jesus. Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. - Acts 16:31