When both the Biblical and scientific evidence is examined, there is no conflict... the earth is thousands, not billions of years old. If we take the top 50 methods that can be used to determine the age of the earth, 49 point to a young earth. Just one points to an old earth. That one is radioisotope dating. And radioisotope dating has been proven to be inaccurate and unreliable. However, it is essential to evolution that the earth be billions of years old, otherwise evolution becomes impossible. That means, no matter what the science shows, the earth HAS TO BE billions of years old... minds must be closed... and no dissent is allowed. That is not science!
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ICR (Acts and Facts)
Answers in Genesis (AIG)
Creation Ministries International (CMI)
Is Genesis History (IGH)
Got Questions (GQ)
Origins TV (ORG)
Science Pastor (SP)
Why Doesn't God End Evil?
Do Miracles Mean The Bible Is A Fairy Tale?
Was Jesus' Resurrection Real or Fake?
Do Babies Go To Heaven?
Can We Know God Exists?
Carbon Dating Says The Earth is Young
The Failure of Radio Isotope Dating
The Age of the Earth - Helium In Rocks
Dinosaur Soft Tissue Shows Dating Methods Don't Work
Does DNA Show Eve Was Created 6,000 Years Ago?