The Dating of Mungo Woman Part 1
Smithsonian: Evolution Fails | See All The Videos. Go to the: 30 Second Video Menu
We check out the Smithsonian's Human Origins web site to get evidence proving evolution is true. What did we find?
The Smithsonian claims human fossils prove evolution actually happened. HOWEVER, the dating of these fossils is crucial in determining what they are... human or ape. The Smithsonian web page describes a number of dating methods, but not how, or with which fossils they were used, nor the results they produced. That's what we'll look at over a series of several 30 SECOND videos. This is the first in which we look at the carbon dating of the Mundo Lake 1 fossil.
Here is a previous Science Pastor video on Carbon 14 dating in general
Carbon dating has been shown to be reliable going back about 3,000 years. Beyond that, the assumptions made in determing the age of an object results in erronious dates. What assumptions? Here are a few:
First: The bone of the fossil was carbon dated. It was C14 dated at 19,000 years old.
Second: Collagen from the fossil was C14 dated at 26,500 years old. The age of the collagen and bone is exactly the same. They came from the same fossil. But the C14 dating givestwo very different ages. Of course, they go with the older one. The older the better.
Third: There was charcoal in a layer above the fossil. Everything below the charcoal had to be older than the charcoal. The charcoal C14 dated to be 26,500 years old. That meant in both times the fossil was C14 dated the results were wrong. It had to be at least 26,500 years old or older. In other words, the C14 dating was producing unreliable results, BUT older is better (there is more fame and prestige that comes with older fossils) and so the age of the fossil was declared to be 26,500 years.
This is not the end of the story. In the next video we'll take a look at what happened when a different dating method was used.
Carbon-14 Dating Explained in Everyday Terms (CIM Article)
C14 Dating - Who Is Fooling Whom? (CIM Article)
What About Carbon Dating (CIM Book Chapter PDFe)
If you'd like to jump ahead and get all the details, the following article provides that information: The Dating Game (Details About Mungo Woman) (CIM Article)
Image of Mungo Lake in video is by: dfinnecy - Wikkicommons images:
Many people, when they die, will stand before Jesus and say:
Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles? - Matthew 7:22
And Jesus will say to them:
I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness. - Matthew 7:23
Get your Bible out and read Matthew 7:21-23. These are some of the most frightening verses in the Bible.
They describe people who believe with all their heart that they are saved. They have no doubt that they know Jesus and they've done many great things that prove this is true. Put Jesus says, 'Depart from me...' He doesn't know them.
Are you truly trusting Jesus? Scripture says to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). Have you done that?
Do you read your Bible regularly? Do you fear false teaching? Are you growing in your obedience to God? Are you growing in your understanding of what God wants? Do you regularly share the good news about Jesus with others?