Answering Humanist's Accusations Against the Bible
THE HUMANIST'S CLAIM: Jeremiah 25:11 predicts the Jews would be captives in Babylon for 70 years, and II Chronicles 36:20-21 views the prophecy as fulfilled. But the Jews were taken into captivity by the Chaldeans when Jerusalem fell in 586 B.C.E. And Cyrus of Persia issued an order in 538 B.C.E. allowing them to return from Babylon to Judah. Thus, the Babylonian captivity lasted about 48 years.
This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years. Then it will be when seventy years are completed I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation," declares the Lord, "for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans; and I will make it an everlasting desolation. - Jeremiah 25:11-12
The prophecy is that the Jews (and the nations around them) will SERVE the king of Babylon seventy years. In other words, they will be under the rule of Babylon. For most of that time many Jews will be in captivity in Babylon. However, for part of the time a large number of Jews will remain in Jerusalem and Palestine under the rule of Babylon... serving the king of Babylon while still living in their homes.
So when did the land of Judah begin to serve the king of Babylon? It turns out the Jews are rather stubborn people and they did not like being ruled by Babylon, so the Babylonian armies had to return three times. Here is a brief time line:
607 BC* - King Jehoiakim becomes a servant of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
604 BC - The Jews rebel. Nebuchadnezzar sends armies to defeat Jerusalem and he takes captives back to Babylon. This is when Daniel is taken captive.
597 BC - Jerusalem rebels again, Nebuchadnezzar sends another army, captures Jerusalem and deports many more Jews to Babylon
588-586 BC - Jerusalem rebels again, Nebuchadnezzar sends another army, lays siege to Jerusalem, totally destroys Jerusalem and deports just about everyone to Babylon, leaving a few of the very poorest Jews.
The humanists are saying the Jews became captives of Babylon when Jerusalem fell for the third time in about 586 BC. However, that is not when they began to serve the king of Babylon. That hap-pened in 607 BC and is described in 2 Kings 24:
In his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim became his servant for three years; - 2 Kings 24:1
Jehoiakim began serving the king of Babylon in 607 BC. The time of servitude was 607 to 537 BC... a total of 70 years. This time period has come to be called the "Babylonian Captivity," implying all 70 years were spent as captives in Babylon. However, that is not what scripture says. For part of the time of "captivity”, many Jews were still in Jerusalem. If they had not rebelled against God and the Babylonians, they might have spent all of the "Babylonia captivity" in Jerusalem serving the king of Babylon there.
When we read what was written, that the Jews were to serve the king of Babylon for 70 years, the prophecy was perfectly and exactly fulfilled.
Examples of other unfulfilled Old Testament prophecies include the following: the Jews will occupy the land from the Nile to the Euphrates (Genesis 15:18); they shall never lose their land and shall be disturbed no more (II Samuel 7:10); King Davids throne and kingdom shall be established forever (II Samuel 7:16); no uncircumcised person will ever enter Jerusalem (Isaiah 52:1); and the waters of Egypt will dry up (Isaiah 19:5-7).
Now they are just throwing out prophecies and hoping something will stick. We'll take a look at each one of these. Click here...
* Note: dates are +/- one year due to differences in calendars, and because specific months are not identified. When we convert dates to our current method of dating, we can not be 100% sure which exact year in our current dating system is the exact correct year.
What you believe does not determine reality nor truth. That would make you god. But you ARE NOT god. You don't control the universe. You cannot change reality. Let's try an experiment. At about midnight stand in the middle of the road just around a corner where it is hard to be seen... at night, wearing all black. When headlights start lighting up the curve, just believe that whatever is coming does not exist. Stand firm, if you don't believe a vehicle is coming, then nothing is coming. You are perfectly safe... until reality hits.
You are now standing before Jesus. You are dead. It's judgment day. You don't want to believe it's Jesus and you will be judged. But it is. That's reality.
Judgment only takes a moment, the verdict is obvious, and you know it is correct. You are guilty. You've lied, stolen and sexually lusted after others (Matthew 5:28)... you have disobeyed God. Trusting Jesus is the only answer, but it's too late. You had your last chance just before you died.
You know it's no use to protest, but still you scream out, 'I didn't know!'
But you did know. All of creation declared God's glory, His invisible attributes, and His power. You have no excuse. You willingly rejected Jesus Christ (God).
Is this you? Are you saying, 'Hell isn't so bad, I'll be with my friends.' You know that's not true. There are no friends in hell. No beer... not even water to cool your lips. There is NOTHING good in hell.
So I beg you, consider these words. Trust Jesus as having paid your penalty for every way you've have rejected God. Trust Jeus to save you from hell and bring you into the presense of God.
Trust Jesus. Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. - Acts 16:31