Science Pastor vBlogPosts

Fire & Metabolism Show Evolution Is Impossible

Science Pastor Video Podcasts

vBlog Post #006

Carbon and oxygen are the source of energy in fires and in our bodies. Metabolism, which involves carbon and oxygen forming CO2 is the source of our energy, and is a complex, multi-step process that is impossible to have come about as a result of evolution. It takes up to ten steps to metabolize our food to produce energy. If any one step is missing, we have no energy. No one step can produce energy, or anything useful, on its own. Every step in the process must be present or there is no life. This is just one of the many multi-step process that are necessary for lifer, and impossible to have come about through random mutations, or genetic drift, or any other evolutionary mechanism. Life, even it its most simple form, is far too complex to have come about through evolutionary processes.

URLs Referenced:

Cellular Metabolism/Respiration:

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The Good News

Before you get the good news, you need to know the bad news. It's about you. God says:

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. - Romans 3:23

Sin means disobeying God, aka breaking God's law. God is perfect and perfection is required to enter heaven. It's a standard none of us can achieve. We all fall short. For example, compare yourself with just one of the Ten Commandments. Have you ever told a lie?

All liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. - Revelation 21:8. Or what about:

Have you ever taken something that does not belong to you, no matter how small? Have you ever looked at another person with lust? In Matthew 5 Jesus said:

Everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.' Have you done that?

You have broken God's laws. You have sinned. There must be justice, and that means eternity in hell, the lake of fire, the second death. Unless...

Unless there was someone willing to pay that penalty on your behalf. Someone who will take on themselves the consequences you deserve. And there is. There is one person who can and will do that. That person is Jesus Christ. If you trust this is true (believe), and repent (turn away from disobeying God), Jesus' death is applied to your account and you are freed from the penalty of sin to be with God forever.