Science Pastor vBlog Posts

Sometimes 2+2=5, sometimes 3. Sometimes all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy becoming sane. - 1984

Science Pastor Video Podcasts

vBlog Post #007

Defining evolution is somewhat like the shell game. The definition moves around (changes) so that the creation denier always wins. In this episode of the Science Pastor, Steve tackles the definition of evolution. Is there a definition that accurately defines evolution? The answer is yes, there is. And it is important that we have a correct definition of evolution. If we can't correctly define evolution, how do we know we are observing evolution, if we see it. How do we know if we are seeing evolution, if we test for it? Correct definitions are critically important.

This episode starts with UFO and aliens, a topic we'll be taking on in a future episode of the science pastor. The Science Pastor then shows how muscles prove evolution is impossible, and then he takes a look at numerous biology textbooks in an effort to get at a true definition of evolution.

URLs Referenced:

How Muscles Work:

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Wide and Narrow Roads

Most people choose the wide road. It's the way everyone else is going. It's wide and it's an easy road, so it must be the right road. But it's the wrong way!

Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. - Matthew 7:13

The wide road, and wide gate is our choice based what feels good. But our feelings (our heart) are deceptive.

The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; - Jeremiah 17:9

Christianity... meaning belief in Jesus Christ... is not a blind faith driven by emotions. It is an informed faith, based on historical facts and truth.

The truth is that we are law breakers (sinners) in need of a Savior from the just wrath of God. That Savior is Jesus Christ.

Trusting Jesus is not the easy way. It is the narrow road, through a narrow gate, and it can be difficult at times. But it is the right way to go. And it is the only way to have eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Trust Jesus. Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. - Acts 16:31