Dinosaur Fossil Footprints
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The following is a summary of chapter 12 in the book A Beginner's Guide to Tracking Dinosaurs" written by the science pastor.
Note: the tracks in our museum come from the Connecticut River Valley
None of this is normal. None of this is what we see happening today.
We do not see anything happening anywhere that could produce the physical evidence we see. The evidence points to a global flood that quickly deposited massive amounts of sediment on a nearly continuous basis. That would explain, for example, the flat bedding plains that go on for miles with no vegetation. It explains the aimless wandering. It explains the tracks in coal and marine sediments. It explains the preponderance of carnivores. As groups of dinosaurs became trapped by the rising waters, the carnivores would eat all of the herbivores.
The Bible has the right answer.
A stampede of Swimming Dinosaurs (CMI)
Thousands of Dinosaur Footprints Found in China (CIM)
Tracking Those Incredible Dinosaurs (ICR)
Video Image Credits (CC License):
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dinosaur_footprints_in_ToroToro_Bolivia.jpg - Credit: Havardtl
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dinosaur_footprints_(Dakota_Sandstone,_Lower_Cretaceous;_Dinosaur_Ridge,_Colorado,_USA)_11_(21589104073).jpg - James St. John
Everything is falling apart, nothing makes sense anymore. What's happening?
What is happening is that the world has turned away from God. When nations turn away from God, strangely enough, God turns His back on them. We find out what it is like to live without God.
There is only one thing to do... repent, turn to Jesus Christ in obedience. Jesus said:
If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. - John 14:15
This can only be done on an individual basis. Don't look to others turning to God and making things better for you. YOU must repent, turn away from disobedience. Love God! Obey what He says. Read the Bible to find out what He says.
It happens one person at a time, starting with you. Don't put it off today. Turn to Jesus Christ, God who came to earth in human flesh to save us from the penalty we've earned as a result of our disobedience (sin). He will do it! ...
BUT ONLY when you believe this is true and put your trust in Jesus. Trust Jesus today. Repent (turn away from what the world wants and to what God wants).
Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” - Matthew 4:17