Dinosaurs: What Happened?
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Dr. Mark Aramitage has been doing first-of-its-kind work. As a result of a belief in evolution, when fossil bones were prepared, they were done so in a way that destroyed soft tissue. It was a known "fact" that soft tissue could not last millions of years, so why worry about trying to preserve it? Dr. Armitage took a different approach and intentionally looked for soft tissue in dinosaur bones. And he found it! Lots of it! He now estimates that 90% of all dinosaur bones have soft tissue.
Bones are hard, and they are typically what we think of when fossils come to mind. Soft tissue includes almost everything else. And because it is soft, it decays very rapidly. It is impossible for soft tissue to last even a million years, let alone the 65 million years since the last dinosaur supposedly died.
A little know fact is that most dinosaur bones are not fossils. They are still the original bone. For example, dinosaur "fossils" from Montana's Hell's Creek formation are famous for stinking... they smell. They literally smell rotten because they are still decaying.
One of the first things Dr. Armitage discovered were osteocytes. These are the cells that make up bone. They should not be there. They can not last millions of years. But... as he looked through his microscope, there they were. This alone was sufficient to prove the "fossil" triceratops horn he was studying was not millions of years old.
Others had already found red blood cells, veins, and collagen in dinosaur bones. But, what Dr. Armitage found next was astounding... nerves!
"We were actually seeing the nerve bundles that travel with vessels and veins inside the dinosaur bones... This is a world-first discovery. It means that none of these dinosaur bones can be old." - Dr. Mark Armitage
He also found vein valves. These are tiny one-way valves inside veins that prevent the blood from flowing backwards between heartbeats. These valves are very delicate and cannot survive millions of years. However, what was more astounding was that, bacteria trapped in one of the valves was still alive! Dr. Armitage is not a microbiologist, so he does not have the tools to study bacteria, but he did film them. Living bacteria trapped in a blood vein when the dinosaur died! (Note: It is known that bacterial can create a hard shell that allows them to survive in harsh conditions for possibly thousands of years. Bacteria have been extracted from ancient amber and activated -- brought to life).
Dr. Armitage was looking at dinosaur bone fossils in ways no one had ever done before, and that led to another incredible world-first discovery... blood clots in the bone-vascular channels. Not just a few. They were common, including in the Haversian canals and pushing into the connecting Volkmann's canal. Separate blood cells are seen adhering to the vessel walls. Why is this significant?
(1) Blood clots are additional proof the dinosaur died recently, in the range of thousands of years ago, not millions of years.
(2) Dr. Armitage writes:
"It has been discovered that human victims of drowning suffer from clotting throughout their bodies including clots inside the bones as a result of the trauma associated with asphyxiation in water. We have observed clotting in dinosaur bones from five different dinosaurs to date."
As reported by M. Levi in the paper "Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation," Crit. Care Med, 35(9):2191-2195 (2007), the type of blood clotting Dr. Armitage found in dinosaurs is symptomatic of drowning. The forensic evidence says that the dinosaurs were killed by drowning. We now have the answer. Dinosaurs, except for those on the Ark, were killed by drowning.
The following are links to Dr. Armitage's published papers in this area of study:
"UV Autofluorescence Microscopy of Dinosaur Bone Reveals Encapsulation of Blood Clots within Vessel Canals" - Microscopy Today, September 2020
"Light and Electron Microscopic Study of Soft Bone Osteocytes From a Triceratops horridus Supraorbital Horn" - Microscopy Society of America, 2014
"Preservation of Triceratops horridus Tissue Cells from the Hell Creek Formation, MT" - Microscopy Today, January 2016
"Soft Sheets of fibrillar bone from a fossil of the supraorbital horn of the dinosaur Triceratops horridus" - Acta Histochemica, January 2013 (Volume 115, 2013)
Images used on this page and in the video are copyrighted. They are used here with the permission of Dr. Armitage. He may be contacted through the Dinosaur Soft Tissue Research Institute
What you believe does not determine reality nor truth. That would make you god. But you ARE NOT god. You don't control the universe. You cannot change reality. Let's try an experiment. At about midnight stand in the middle of the road just around a corner where it is hard to be seen... at night, wearing all black. When headlights start lighting up the curve, just believe that whatever is coming does not exist. Stand firm, if you don't believe a vehicle is coming, then nothing is coming. You are perfectly safe... until reality hits.
You are now standing before Jesus. You are dead. It's judgment day. You don't want to believe it's Jesus and you will be judged. But it is. That's reality.
Judgment only takes a moment, the verdict is obvious, and you know it is correct. You are guilty. You've lied, stolen and sexually lusted after others (Matthew 5:28)... you have disobeyed God. Trusting Jesus is the only answer, but it's too late. You had your last chance just before you died.
You know it's no use to protest, but still you scream out, 'I didn't know!'
But you did know. All of creation declared God's glory, His invisible attributes, and His power. You have no excuse. You willingly rejected Jesus Christ (God).
Is this you? Are you saying, 'Hell isn't so bad, I'll be with my friends.' You know that's not true. There are no friends in hell. No beer... not even water to cool your lips. There is NOTHING good in hell.
So I beg you, consider these words. Trust Jesus as having paid your penalty for every way you've have rejected God. Trust Jeus to save you from hell and bring you into the presense of God.
Trust Jesus. Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. - Acts 16:31