Atheist's Attacks

Answering Humanist's Accusations Against the Bible

Christian Resources

The Bible and "False" Prophecy

This could be the end of the Bible and Christianity.

THE HUMANIST'S CLAIM: False Prophecies in the Bible

Prophecies in the Bible further strengthen the Humanist view. Because many of the prophecies turned out to be false, they prove the Bible is not inerrant.

Free Atheist's Answers Book

The Bible itself contains a test for determining whether a prophecy was inspired by God. Deuteronomy 18:22 explains: “When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.”

Applying this test to the Bible leads to one conclusion: the book contains many statements that were not inspired by God.

The prophecies in the Bible provide solid proof the Bible is true and inspired by God. Only God can know the future, and accurately describe that future. If the humanists can prove that some of the prophecies in the Bible are wrong... or even just one is wrong... they have destroyed the Bible and Christianity. Why? Because what Deuteronomy 18:22 says is true. If a prophet is wrong just once, then they are not a true prophet of the Lord.

A Little About Prophecy In The Bible

There are about 1,800 prophecies in the Bible, with about 300 of those being about the Messiah. So there are plenty for the humanist to choose from.

There are three types of prophecies:

  1. Prophecies that have already been 100% fulfilled
  2. Prophecies with a near term (already fulfilled) fulfillment and a far term (not yet fulfilled) fulfillment.
  3. Prophecies that will be fulfilled in our future (end times prophecies)

Let the epic battle begin. The fate of the world hangs in the balance. If the humanists prove there is even one false prophecy in the Bible, then Christianity is not true, Jesus has not defeated death... and our future is one of corruption and death. A future of nothing... we just become worm food

But, if every prophecy is the Bible is true, then we have life. Then the Bible is true and Jesus did pay our penalty for sin in full. Our physical death is not the end. Those who are trusting in Jesus will have eternal life, living with Jesus Christ our God and Savior forever.

The humanists have an easy task. Prove that just one of the over 1,800 Bible prophecies is false. Will they be successful? Will the Bible go down in disgrace... the biggest fraud in history? Or does God reign supreme?

Are you ready?

Then let's go to the next page...


solution to riots

Everything is falling apart, nothing makes sense anymore. What's happening?

What is happening is that the world has turned away from God. When nations turn away from God, strangely enough, God turns His back on them. We find out what it is like to live without God.

There is only one thing to do... repent, turn to Jesus Christ in obedience. Jesus said:

If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. - John 14:15

This can only be done on an individual basis. Don't look to others turning to God and making things better for you. YOU must repent, turn away from disobedience. Love God! Obey what He says. Read the Bible to find out what He says.

It happens one person at a time, starting with you. Don't put it off today. Turn to Jesus Christ, God who came to earth in human flesh to save us from the penalty we've earned as a result of our disobedience (sin). He will do it! ...

BUT ONLY when you believe this is true and put your trust in Jesus. Trust Jesus today. Repent (turn away from what the world wants and to what God wants).

Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” - Matthew 4:17